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Wooden combs

Wooden combs are made from Bizeljsko walnut, plum, apple, pear and robinia. They are friendly to your hair and scalp as they have a number of benefits:

-their use accelerates the blood circulation of the scalp and thus brings nutrients to the hair roots

-wooden combs do not cause static electricity in the hair and it is easier to make a real nice hairstyle

-the natural fibers of the wood during combing embrace the whole hair all down to the hair roots

-regular massage with a wooden comb stimulates the natural oiling of the scalp and can help against dandruff

-suitable for combing dry and wet hair

-different models of wooden combs are designed for long or short hair, for curls, beards and mustaches.

The wooden combs are handmade and carefully grinded, therefore they slide gently through the hair. They are coated with an organic coating - tung oil.

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